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Jordan shows us how it’s done! He used Bigger Leaner Stronger to lose 35 pounds!

In this podcast I interview Mark Rippetoe and we talk about how training changes in your middle and even later years, how to keep joints healthy, how to avoid injuries and overtraining, and more…

With how many flavors and textures it can take on, it’s hard not to love rice. Here are ten recipes that showcase its tastiness and versatility.

Check out what Dom was able to do in just 3 months with my Bigger Leaner Stronger program! Talk about motivating!

In this podcast I interview the one and only Dr. Layne Norton and we talk contest/photo shoot prep, how to maximize fat loss and minimize muscle loss while cutting, reverse dieting, and more…

If you’re a woman wanting to get fit, your understanding and application of these 5 points are going to determine how far you get.

Even after 15 years of working out Josh has made great gains on my Bigger Leaner Stronger program! Check out his progress!

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