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From baked goods to savory dinners, pumpkin finds its way into everything this time of year. And for good reason too!

We live in a culture that loves to romanticize the notion of overnight success, but the truth is it’s largely a myth. Check out this brilliant two-part video essay to find out why…

This recipe tastes startling close to the store-bought Nabisco Newton variety, but it doesn’t take many ingredients to throw together a batch at home. You can also get creative with the fillings by trying other dried fruit, such as apricots or cranberries.

A samurai-inspired motorcycle, a “smart” basketball that improves your game, one of the best thrillers you’ll see in a long time, and more… This week’s cool stuff!

In this podcast I interview NYT bestselling author and Navy SEAL Mark Divine and we talk about how he developed an “unbeatable mind” that kept him alive on the battlefield and has helped him succeed as an entrepreneur.

There are an endless number of “keys to success” out there, but here are the 5 that have served me best…

There’s a reason why the majority of people that work out regularly don’t have much to show for it, and why so few people ever build truly impressive physiques. These weightlifting mistakes explain a lot of it…

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