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When it comes to protein powders, whey and casein rule the roost, racking up close to $5 billion in annual sales.

They deserve the limelight, too.

Research has shown time and again that they’re two of the best sources of high-quality protein that you can eat.

What if you don’t want to supplement with either, though? What other options do you have?

You can simply eat more whole foods, but that can be easier said than done depending on your circumstances.

Many people turn to soy protein powder, but that probably isn’t optimal, and especially for men. Many others choose other popular alternatives like hemp or rice protein, and many still go in for more obscure supplements like beef or collagen protein.

Pea, however, is often overlooked because of concerns about its amino acid profile, digestibility, and taste.

Many people simply think that peas can’t provide them with protein that’s suitable for gaining muscle or losing fat, and that it probably tastes godawful.

Well, they’re wrong.

As you’ll see, pea protein is actually one of the best plant-based forms of protein that you can eat–on par with the best of animal-derived powders–and, when flavored and sweetened well, has a uniquely pleasant taste.

So, if you want to learn how pea protein is made, what its main benefits and drawbacks are, how it compares to whey and casein, and how to choose the best pea protein powder for you, then you want to listen to this episode.

What did you think of this episode? Have anything else to share? Let me know in the comments below!

+ Scientific References