The fitness industry is extremely tough to navigate as a beginner because of the sheer amount of “gurus” proclaiming they have the “secrets” to getting ripped.

If you hit the popular fitness sites, you’ll find contradictory advice at every turn.

-Some people say you have to eat bland “clean” foods to get ripped, while others will say you can do it eating junk food.
-Some say you should focus on higher rep “pump” training, while others say you have to focus on heavy lifting.
-Some say you have to eat meals every few hours, while others say meal frequency is irrelevant.
-Some say high-protein diets are key, while others say it’s not that important.
-Some say genetics play a huge role, while others say they’re barely a factor.

How can you know who’s right and who’s wrong? How can you know who to listen to?

Well, I used to wrestle with all these issues and have not only escaped the maze but, ironically, have become something of a fitness guru myself. In this episode, I want to share with you 5 criteria you can use to judge if someone is worth listening to or not.

Let’s get started.

What did you think of this episode? Have anything else to share? Let me know in the comments below!