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According to an ever-growing number of popular doctors, researchers, and influencers and “gurus,” autophagy is the next big health breakthrough.

By making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle, they say, you can harness the power of this mysterious physiological phenomenon and . . .

  • “Cleanse” your body of harmful toxins
  • Slow or even reverse aging
  • Protect against various types of disease, including cancer, dementia, and heart disease
  • Feel more revitalized and rejuvenated

In many cases, the arguments sound pretty convincing. Buzzwords, whiteboards, and diagrams abound.

In fact, if the strategies shared (usually fasting or low-carb dieting or a combination of both) only worked half as well as many “experts” claim, the long-term results could still be life-changing.

And so it’s no surprise that autophagy is one of the hottest “health hacks” around right now.

It really shouldn’t be, however, and you’ll learn why in this podcast. By the end, you’re going to understand . . .

  • What autophagy is
  • How it works
  • How it impacts your health
  • How it relates to fasting
  • What you can and can’t (and should and shouldn’t) do to “optimize” it
  • And more

Let’s get started!

What did you think of this episode? Have anything else to share? Let me know in the comments below!

+ Scientific References