This is an interview with professional bodybuilder and coach Alberto Nunez from Team 3DMJ on how to spot and fix muscle imbalances.

I thought Alberto would be the perfect guy to talk to about this because he not only talks the talk, but he walks the walk.

He’s an accomplished bodybuilder with an absolutely insane physique, and he and his team have also helped hundreds of other bodybuilders build their best physiques ever and make a career for themselves.

I’m also excited to put this interview up because it’s a question I get all the time from both guys and girls, so I’m sure there are quite a few of you out there that could use some help in this regard as well.

As you’ll see, the whole topic of muscle imbalances is pretty simple and straightforward when explained correctly. You just have to understand a handful of technical points and guidelines, and you’ll know exactly what you have to do to balance out your physique, left to right, and front to back.

Oh and I do have to warn you about one thing: my audio is shit. Unfortunately my good microphone decided to stop playing nice with the program I use to record Skype interviews, and my only backup was my webcam’s terrible mic. Fortunately, I try not to talk much, so you shouldn’t get too annoyed by it. And it won’t happen again, as I have a couple of good backups now.




3:08 – How do you define a weak point?

8:45 – How do you pinpoint a weak point and what do you do about it?

14:50 – How do you progress on isolation movements?

17:00 – What is rep quality?

19:40 – How does training change based on goals?

26:00 – How does an intermediate program look?

32:12 – What are some good isolation exercises for stubborn body parts?

36:56 – What exercises do you use for guys in specialization cycles?

40:35 – What do you use for extra lat development?

42:25 – Do you vary your grip for back exercises?

51:38 – Where can people find your work?


6:37 – How do you define a weak point?

12:14 – How do you pinpoint a weak point and what do you do about it?

18:19 – How do you progress on isolation movements?

20:29 – What is rep quality?

23:09 – How does training change based on goals?

29:29 – How does an intermediate program look?

35:41 – What are some good isolation exercises for stubborn body parts?

40:25 – What exercises do you use for guys in specialization cycles?

44:04 – What do you use for extra lat development?

45:54 – Do you vary your grip for back exercises?

55:07 – Where can people find your work?

What did you think of this episode? Have anything else to share? Let me know in the comments below!