If you’re a guy and listen to podcasts, chances are you’ve heard of the super-popular Art of Charm podcast.

Well, I was interviewed on it! Check it out:

Click here to download the MP3

In this interview we talk about…

  • Why the “low T” trend in fitness knowledge is bullcrap
  • How bodybuilders and the supplement industry build insecurity to sell you stuff, even though it doesn’t actually do anything and can actually HURT you.
  • The power of habit and systematizing your fitness and nutrition
  • How to get past the ‘habit dip’ and stick with new things instead of giving up
  • How building positive habits builds trust in yourself and in-turn, self-confidence
  • Why habit building is ALWAYS happening (you’re either building GOOD habits, or BAD habits, ALL of the time)
  • And more…

I also highly recommend you check out this “best of” list of Art of Charm podcasts. There are a ton of really interesting people sharing all kinds of great insights related to business and social skills, attracting women, living a better life, and more.

Hope you enjoy the interview!